Monday, May 13, 2013



The guy at the gym said " you are doing well for fifty". He thought he complimented me, I did not!
So many people have talked about things like Geritol, black balloons and said they were sorry for me. Many referring to being over the hill and other depressing analogies. All well meaning, but I don't feel that way at all.
First turning fifty is better than the alternative...think about it. Well in the eternal scope of things maybe not, Heaven is going to be way cooler than fifty :). But I have more to do here and now!!! I feel better, I am fitter and I am wiser that I have ever been. It does give me pause, causes me to think and take proverbial stock of my journey. Allowing me to review, retool and reinvision my goals, making adjustments and eliminating or adding as the case merits. So I conclude 50 IS NOT FINAL but rather 50 is a time to FOCUS! Not to mention that 50 is the YEAR OF JUBILEE! More to come...

5 comments: said...

I know one old man he was strong and full of energy till 77. So50 is only beginning.

Wedding sarees said...

Really your post is really very good and I appreciate it. It’s hard to sort the good from the bad sometimes, but I think you’ve nailed it. You write very well which is amazing. I really impressed by your post"

RETA said...

50 is good!


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Unknown said...

What is in a number? We are functioning human beings ?
We only need to worry about the fact - Are we functioning or not - are we evolving or not- are we contributing or not- are we comfortable with ourselves or not...